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Contribution With
Planned Giving.
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Our congregation's membership model is designed to remove all of the traditional obstacles and barriers associated with congregational memberships.
Instead, we ask our members to make an annual pledge of their choice to support our community and the message of Humanistic Judaism. There are no uncomfortable conversations and no one (except the bookkeepers!) will ever know what you've contributed.
And, uniquely in our community, with the exception of a few special events, your membership gives you access to everything, including our youth education (Spinoza) program for which there is no added tuition (excepting a modest materials fee).
Once you've browsed our website and learned more about us, we encourage you to fill out the contact form located on our home page or to call us at 248.477.1410 to set up a conversation with Rabbi Falick. We'll also arrange to have a new member prospect packet sent to you.
You'll note that there are three membership contribution levels, but please be aware that all memberships are equal.
Brand new members are encouraged to select the "Contributing Level." Memberships are renewed for a period of July 1 - June 30 each year, so if you're joining in the middle of that period, you should certainly take that into consideration as you consider your first year's pledge.