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Secular Humanistic Rabbi Jeffrey L. Falick was appointed to lead The Birmingham Temple, as our congregation was then known, in July 2013.
Originally a member of the Reform movement, Rabbi Falick became involved in Secular Humanistic Judaism in 2009 after a lifetime of searching and questioning. His involvement in the movement includes his roles on boards and executive committees of the Association of Humanistic Rabbis and the Society for Humanistic Judaism.
Rabbi Falick received his B.A. (1984) from the University of Texas at Austin, and his M.A. (1987) and ordination (1989) from the Reform movement's Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Subsequently, he served for eleven years as director of Hillel Jewish student centers at universities in Illinois and Miami and for thirteen years as assistant executive director and Jewish educator at the Dave and Mary Alper Jewish Community Center in Miami.
As a Jewish educator, Rabbi Falick has served as a faculty member at numerous schools and programs, including the Melton School and several congregational and community-wide youth programs. He has taught in the FedEd program of the Detroit Federation and is a popular speaker on subjects like "Who Wrote the Bible?" and "The Evolution of God." Rabbi Falick is also very active in the Secular Humanistic world and was recognized for his intra-Humanistic organizational efforts with the 2018 Freethinker of the Year award by the Center for Inquiry—Michigan.
Rabbi Falick is married to Arthur Liebhaber. His children and granchildren, Aliza (Jason) Mann, Jack and Alexandra Mann, and Ilana Falick live in the Baltimore, MD / Washington D.C. metro area.
You can find Rabbi Falick's Newsletter Commentaries at THIS LINK.